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Free Trial/Licence costs


“Play now for free” takes you to a short form providing us with the details we need to set your school up in the Bamzonia community. Once registered you will have access to Bamzonia and can start your Free Trial. You can contact us if you have any questions or need any help.

Alternatively, you can simply email info@bamzonia.co.nz with your contact details. We’ll be in touch to set up your school and help in any way we can. We’re a friendly team and helpful team.  We want you to love the Bamzonia experience so please do give us a try.

Your free trial will last 1 month. If you think Bamzonia is right for your school, at the end of the trial you have two options:

Option 1: Individual classes

$10-00 per student for 6 months

$15-00 per student per annum

Option 2: School (Unlimited class and student registrations)

Register as many students,  classes, and teachers throughout the school. Fees can drop to as little as $2:00 per student per annum.

Contact us
