3D Game and interactive lessons for years 5-13
Financial Literacy Education – A Life Skill for all New Zealanders.
Anybody interested in being smarter with their money will enjoy Bamzonia. Bamzonia aims to make Financial Literacy relevant, interesting, and engaging.
The programme consists of three elements:
- Lessons and multi-choice Quizzes
- 3D Island regeneration Game
- Reporting results and Leaderboard
Currently, we have 35 lessons available for years 5 – 13.
(Click here to Download the lessons spreadsheet)
All 35 Lessons are aligned to the NZ curriculum Levels 1 – 8 and NZQA Personal Financial Management Unit Standards, Levels 1 – 3
Lessons are designed for specific areas of the curriculum but teachers and students will find many other lessons helpful for background knowledge, unfamiliar text, and subject matter.
Every lesson is followed by a quiz. With sufficient correct answers, students are awarded Zonian dollars to play the 3D Island regeneration game – where they rebuild the economy to create the health, wealth, and happiness, of their own Bamzonia Island community. The Bamzonia lessons cover subjects including personal and family budgeting, investments, personal financial goals, credit, debt, income, tax, bank products and services, personal financial documents, KiwiSaver – and much more.
If you are a Decile 1 – 4 school, BNZ Bank are generously donating Site Licence fees for a limited number of schools. Please contact us for more details.
User licences for 2014 are:
$10 per student for 6 months
Site Licences for ALL students in the school:
$150 – $2,000 ( Depending on school role)