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Software specification

Here are the details of the minimum specification of software we would recommend for your computer so that your experience of Bamzonia is the best it can be.

Minimum computer requirements:


  • Operating System: Windows XP, Vista or 7 / Mac OSX
  • Browser: Firefox / Chrome / Safari / Opera / Internet Explorer 9+
  • CPU: Pentium 4 @ 3GHz
  • Graphics: 3D capable with dedicated RAM
  • System RAM: 1Gb
  • Keyboard and Mouse

About Unity

The Unity Web Player enables you to view amazing 3D content created with Unity directly in your browser. When you go to play Bamzonia for the first time, the Unity web player button will appear for you to install

onto your computer — like this…

Get Unity

If you click on “install now” and follow the instructions, Bamzonia will automatically appear once you have completed the install process. The first time you install Unity it may take a couple of minutes to load the game but after that things will get a lot quicker.

Unity is a trusted name and completely safe to use. If you would like to know more about Unity and their work across the globe see: http://unity3d.com/company/fast-facts
