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Teachers’ resources

On this page are links to a number of resources that will help you focus on which lessons are appropriate for the students in your classroom. Although the lessons are divided into three levels, it is worth glancing at all 35 as there may be some particular subjects you will find valuable to support other learning objectives. Although we talk about alignment with NZC and NZQA, lessons are also appropriate for Cambridge and IB.

Lesson Spreadsheets List the NZC Financial Capability Levels 1-8 and the Financial Capability Unit Standards and which Bamzonia lessons are aligned to them. This will help you identify the lessons that are appropriate for students at any level. It also has links to the Unit Standards on the NZQA website. These change occasionally when a Unit Standard is expiring or being reviewed. Remember to check for updates.

Quick Reference Guide lists the NZC and NZQA numbers covered by each Bamzonia Lesson.

Lesson Plans: These can be found by clicking on the lessons below or as a link on the lessons dashboard. They outline the subject and learning outcomes for each lesson and where they align with the NZ Curriculum and NZQA Unit Standards.

Lesson Scripts are also in the Lesson Plans and include all the text without the animations. Most lessons include web LINKS which can be used for additional information or research. (eg. Sorted.org, Inland Revenue – Te Tari Taake, Interest.co.nz, financial calculators etc.)

Lesson Answers are just that – a quick reference to all the answers to save you time in the classroom.

Glossary: of Financial terms. There are many more. Please let us know if you have others that you would like included.
